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Common Questions





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(Open 9 to 5, Monday - Friday CST )


This information website contains information that will help you make educated decisions about why and how to use CBD oil. 

It is not intended to provide medical advice.

It’s important that the reader seek the advice of a qualified medical professional who is well versed in CBD education before beginning use.



Will CBD make me "high"?


All of our full spectrum products are derived from industrial hemp, and contain <0.3% THC per legal requirements. THC levels in our full spectrum products are not nearly large enough to make the user feel “high”. Broad spectrum CBD products does not contain THC. 


Can I fail a drug test from using CBD?


Everyone is different so there is no straight answer. We certainly cannot guarantee that it’s not a possibility. We can neither confirm nor deny the possibility of failing a drug test and cannot be held responsible if test comes back with positive or false positive results.


What Are the Side Effects of CBD Oil?


While pharmaceutical drugs are often developed to target particular bodily systems and provide particular effects, Mother Nature is not always so exacting. The effects of organic compounds can be many and can vary from person to person. Oftentimes herbal compounds can have both desired effects and unwanted effects. We call these unwanted effects adverse side effects.


In order to determine if an effect is an adverse side effect, you need to know what the desired effects are. The effects which are desired by one user may not be desired by another user.


CBD Oil Health Claims:


This is worth touching on. Many companies will put CBD products on the market and make serious health claims about their product. These claims are not supported by the levels of scientific evidence that the FDA requires. These claims are a strong sign that a company is exaggerating what its product can do. Avoid those products.




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